Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Keep Te Anau wildlife park open

Hi I am in a bush and I am hunting for insect and bugs to eat because I am hungry and getting food for my babies because they have hatched. But I live in the bird life park in Te Anau but now I don't because they shut it down and I can't survive without humans. I can hardly hunt without getting killed. Don't you think you should keep me safe? Keep birds safe.

Birds can't survive in the wild without people and they can't get help in the wild.  If they get hurt flightless birds could get eaten by rodents. Keep birds safe.

If birds eat all the food they won't get enough food in the future because it will be all gone because of the pests and they won't able to find food. Keep birds safe.

Think of a stoat eating a bird how sad and no more beautiful birds because they have been eaten so keep Te Anau wildlife park open if you care about New Zealand's birds. Keep birds safe.

You must keep the wildlife park open so people can see the beautiful birds. If it is open they won't get eaten by rodents and they will get a lot more food at the Te Anau wildlife park. Keep birds safe.


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