Monday, 22 September 2014

American Alligators - Chloe

American Alligators are reptiles which are cold blooded

You can find American Alligators in marshes, rivers and fresh not salted and you can find them in a swamp. When the water freezes over they stay under the water because it is warmer. To breathe under the ice they poke a hole in the ice and make a breathing hole.

                                 Look like

An American Alligator is smaller than a crocodile they have wide and small u- shape head.


The American Alligator has powerful jaws so they can crush bones and they eat men and people and animals.



One night I looked out of my bedroom window and saw a rhino appear, creeping out onto the sunbaked land of the dark shadows. A herd of rhinos came cantering upon it.

The rhino had skin as slippery as soap and as rough as a dried leaf and pointy sharp horns that could go right through things. It had a short tail with a bit of fluff on the end. It also had sharp crunching jaws and short stubby legs. 

I was watching the rhino as it started eating dry grass and other plants. Then it creeped back into the dark shadows.

By Penelope and Charlotte

RHINO - Mya & Lola

The Rhino quickly trots over the sunbaked land, to the muddy waterhole, and crashes into the milky waterhole. She starts rolling furiously in the waterhole bringing up splashes of water, when she
gets up on her feet and out of the milky water she starts cantering off.

A Ribbon Tree.

One Sunday I was looking  out my window, and I saw a silver spider-web dangling onto a branch and it was in the way of a falling piece of lose bark on the tree. Then all the leaves started to shiver and fall off, it was autumn, the leaves started to turn red orange and yellow.

The Rhino by Sophie and Emily

The Rhino thunders across, the ground I see a cloud of dust forming behind its back, horn slicing through the air and I see the fury of fire in its eye as it halts in front of a muddy waterhole.   A rough sand paper tongue slides out of its mouth and into the cool mucky water.  As the fiery sun sinks into the mountain the rhino takes off like a bullet, through the night and into the damp jungle. A leopard approaches and pounces on the rhino. The rhino  fends for himself with his horn. There is riot in the jungle, leaves flying, twigs scattering. Suddenly all is quiet. The leopard pads out of the jungle looking content. All that remains is a trace of red and a horn.

The Rhino by Olive & Rochelle

Out of the window on the sun  baked ground, stands a rhino with its head bowed down to the waterhole sucking  up the water like a vacuum cleaner.  It stands there with its tiny legs and its short stubby tail waving.



The rhino is a fat heavy creature. It has a long horn and a short spike. It is a little bit fast. Rhinos have big ears. The rhino can create a riot. The rhino is like a bulldozer and it sucks up leaves like a vacuum cleaner.                                                                                                           

The cat and the rat

                        The cat and the rat.
 A hazel cat darts into the sunlight,followed by a rat. The cat and the rat clamber up a house. The hazel cat realizes that the rats behind him. SUDDENLY the cat angrily hisses and pounces for the rat wildly. The cat dies and goes to heaven and a black cat comes along and rips the head of the rat and happily eats away.   


                                                             OAK TREE                                                                                    Oak trees in the distance with blood red leaves dangling down.Then the tree was shaking leafs stared making its journy down




One day while the sun was shining like a fire ball in the sky a rhinoceros came rumbling through the forest to the water hole. It was happily drinking and eating when a family of elephants came at a great speed and scared the rhino off.

 By Luc Botherway



One night I looked out the window and there was a black cat pouncing and hissing at a tabby cat. I looked closer, they were fighting over a left over packet of chips.

Wednesday, 17 September 2014


Marsupials: mammals of Australia are Kangaroos koalas and wombats, and many more.

BABIES: Babies always stay in its mothers pouch until
They are 1-2 months old then they can go out and learn   
To hunt with its mother.


Most wombats have brown fur like oak wood and a short 
Fat tail like a rugby ball. Kangaroos are ginger like a ginger nut
and a long thin tail, like all kangaroos they can jump high like
a frog. Koalas are dark brown they have short legs and arms.
Like all mammals they are warm blooded.

Marsupials have to eat a lot. Most of their time is spent finding
food. Some only eat plants (kangaroos and wombats) and 
some eat mostly meat (Tasmanian devil). They usually 
Sleep or hide from predators during the day and look for food at

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Monday, 1 September 2014